AeroMACS Gains Momentum and Achieved Milestones! Learn more about AeroMACS at ATCA, Avionics for NextGen and ICAO Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium (GANIS) & Safety and Air Navigation Implementation Symposium (SANIS).
Aeronautical Mobile Communication System (AeroMACS) is the wireless broadband technology that supports the increasing need for data communications and information sharing on the airport surface for both fixed and mobile applications.
At the ATCA, on October 16, 2017 at 12:20PM, in National Harbor, Maryland, the WiMAX Forum President, Declan Byrne, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Senior Systems Engineer Brent Phillips will speak about AeroMACS Milestones and FCC Rulemaking Petition at the Aireon Arena. We will stand ready to answer questions about how AeroMACS can improve the safety and regularity of flight on the airport surface.
To learn more about AeroMACS at ATCA Exhibition, you are invited to visit the WiMAX Forum Member Telrad Networks at Booth 222. They would be happy to tell you all about their AeroMACS solutions and developments.
At the Avionics for NextGen, on November 15, 2017 at 4:30PM, in Herndon, Virginia, the WiMAX Forum President, Declan Byrne, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Senior Systems Engineer Brent Phillips, and Paul J. Prisaznuk, Executive Secretary and Programs Director, Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC), ARINC Standards Development will discuss the latest progress towards the wide spread use of AeroMACS.
At the ICAO Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium (GANIS) & Safety and Air Navigation Implementation Symposium (SANIS), on December 12, 2017 at 3:30PM, in Montreal, Canada, the WiMAX Forum President, Declan Byrne will discuss how to face cyber threats - the strategy for cyber safety. Declan is also scheduled to participate and moderate a panel on December 13. As details concerning this event are finalized, we will be certain to keep you informed.
AeroMACS operates in an ITU-allocated protected aviation spectrum band, and there are hundreds of applications for AeroMACS. FAA and EUROCONTROL have identified AeroMACS to support the growing need of today’s communication systems on the airport surface.
AeroMACS trials and deployments are underway worldwide and our priority is to help the global aviation industry upgrade its airport surface communications systems with powerful and economical solutions.
Can't make it to these events but want to catch up, please email us at and we would be glad to schedule a time to speak with you.
Participate and learn how AeroMACS will benefit you!