At the ACI-NA/World Exhibition in Montreal, Visit AeroMACS Booth 1803.
Aeronautical Mobile Communication System (AeroMACS) is the solution to support the need for increased data communications and information sharing on the airport surface.
WiMAX Forum President Declan Byrne will present "AeroMACS—A Licensed Wireless Broadband Technology—Improving the Safety, Capacity, and Efficiency of the Airport Surface" at the ACI-NA Solutions Showcase at 12:40-1:00pm on Monday, September 26, 2016.
On September 25-27, visit the WiMAX Forum at the AeroMACS booth #1803 at the ACI-NA/World Exhibition. WiMAX Forum member companies Siemens (#1715) and Telrad Networks (#1805) will showcase AeroMACS and stand ready to answer questions about their devices and how AeroMACS can improve Air Traffic Management. Please visit the Exhibition Hall Floor Plan to find our location.
FAA and EUROCONTROL have identified AeroMACS to support the growing need of today’s communication systems on the airport surface and thus increasing the safety and regularity of flights. Trials and deployments are underway around the globe with Boston Logan International Airport being the most recent airport to plan for AeroMACS installation. Full AeroMACS Certification will be available this year.
Visit us to learn how AeroMACS will benefit you!