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BSS&OSS Latin America 2017

Event Date:

22-Aug-2017 – 23-Aug-2017

BSS&OSS Latin America 2017

The three co-hosted events—BSS & OSS, Customer Experience Management, Big Data & Analytics and Revenue Assurance & Fraud Prevention—bring together more than 300 executives from the Latin American operator areas, in 3 rooms with focused themes and networking among them. It will take place on August 22-23, 2017 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

BSS & OSS: Discussions focused on Operations Support Systems and Business Support Systems, where case studies are discussed and the importance of tuning and updating to know exactly what is happening from one end to the other, including all elements of the network, that you need Planned to function as well as possible.

The WiMAX Forum is proud to be a supporting organization!

For more information and registration, please visit: BSS&OSS Latin America 2017.